XOIC Ddos Tool | Very Danger Ddos Tool Private Edition

XOIC is a tool to make DoS attacks.

More information about DoS attacks: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_Service.
The tool makes a (D)DoS attacks to any IP address,with a user selected port and a user selected protocol.

XOIC is in my tests a little more powerful as loic (low orbit cannon).
The reason is that I've left out gadget devastating performance (eg request counter and TCP HTTP UDP Icmp message) and other things.

XOIC have 3 modes:

-Test Mode
-Normal DoS attack mode (No request counter and TCP HTTP UDP ICMP message because of performance )
-DoS attack with a TCP/HTTP/UDP/ICMP Message


Only for window 7 and window 8 !!!
Use it at your own risk !
Use this tool only to test your server !

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